
Yup! Another «travel blog»… Why you’ll ask? Because I want to… I’ll say.

This blog is a project that I was supposed to do years ago… way before travel blog became so popular. But you know… between the school, the kids, the first job, the first break-up, the second one, the start-up of my company, the sickness, the burn-out, well… here I am! 35 years old later..without any regrets in my life, I am finally ready to share what my «real» life look like… maybe far away from those perfect story of all the “#vanlife” icon everywhere today, but still perfect in a way.

The beauty with kids is they will probably more appreciate sleeping/camping in your car parked on the side of the road than in a fancy hotel. They just love the experience of doing something different. Am I right? It’s a good thing for me because.. well, I don’t have the money for those fancy hotels… and I just love taking any kind of adventure with them… 

 First… I’m doing all this for me, myself and I.

Graphic design, photography, video edition, health, wellness & traveling are part of my what inspires me the most in my life, they are my passion… Combine all of those with my 4 favorites peoples in the world and then you’ll have what I like to call: La Tribu Nomade. 

OK, I know I won’t change the world with all this but… I kinda hope that my story will help people to understand that traveling (especially with kids) doesn’t need to ruin all of your economies… they are some way to do it without having to sell yourself to the devil. 

Second, I’d like to say that I am doing this for the kids…

I don’t know yet if they really gonna benefit from it but I’d like to think that it is a family project, not just mine.  

I would like to give them the opportunities to develop and share some of theirs skills…

Yup, my son wants to become a «youtubeuse» ( it’s basically a Youtube girl but says in French…)  please no comment… The youtube channel will come shortly! My daughter just love taking pictures so why not, find a way to help them to become what they really want to

 Third… this blog is also a little bit for you… 

In my blog, I will talk about some of the destinations I did with my kids. I will provide ideas for «cheaps activities» but FUN activities… because anyone like to go in a crowded attraction park at 70$/per head for having more chance to lose one of your kids, right?  I’d rather go to a quiet and peaceful place that is not usually crowded with tourists… but… OK sometimes I’m  doing those kinds of activities too… 

 Finally… but not the least…

Ok ok forget all the reasons above and be really honest with each other… The only reason I’ve started this blog only because… well as anybody, I am secretly dreaming about getting pay while I am traveling with my kids. 

P.S. I gave myself a huge challenge for this one… I want to write everything in English then translate most of it in my first language, French. Why? First, it’s a marketing reason: Since I will probably talk about mostly trip around Quebec, Canada, the main public target will be people outside the province itself… so people who rather read in English than French.  Second, I want to improve my English and I think writing is one of the best practice. No? So, anytime, feel free to correct me… I am still learning!